enrollment in classes Outside the university of utah
Learn about what it means to take classes at another school while studying at the University of Utah.
Overview and Definition
F-1 students can study at another school during the academic year (fall/spring semesters); however, students must still maintain full-time enrollment and be physically present at the University of Utah if they wish to take additional classes at another school. Students must receive approval from ISSS which is granted when we issue the Permission to Attend Another School Letter to the student. This letter will explain to the other school that you are maintaining your F-1 status at the University of Utah and so will not need an I-20 from them.
Transfer Out page. Students who wish to be admitted and take a full-time course enrollment at an institution other than the University of Utah and do not wish to remain fully-enrolled at the U, will need to request a transfer to the new institution. More information about transferring will need to review our
how to receive approval from isss
Login to UAtlas
Complete the Permission to Attend Another School (Letter) e-form.
A Designated School Official (DSO) from ISSS will review the completed application.
Once the DSO receives the completed application, they will review and process it within
10 business days. Once the application is approved the student will receive an email
from ISSS.
Receiving the Letter
A University of Utah DSO will send the letter to the student electronically from UAtlas.
Students will receive a second email with instructions on how to download the letter.
Students must then submit the letter to the international office at the other school
so they are aware you do not need an I-20 from them.
Frequently Asked Questions
You may not work on-campus jobs at the other school unless you have an approved CPT for that specific job.
Yes, you must request permission to attend another school even during your vacation
Enrollment is optional at the U in the Summer for continuing students who are not
starting/completing their program in the Summer. They may enroll in no classes or
take fewer classes as there is no enrollment requirement for continuing students in
the summer.
You may take additional classes at the other school outside of Utah, but you must still maintain full-time enrollment at the U. During the academic year, classes at the other school must be online.